#Orbassano#Cumiana# in italy #
Orbassano is an Italian town of 23 352 inhabitants, belonging to the first belt of the metropolitan area of Turin, in Piedmont. The Sangone stream divides the municipal territory in two
Cumiana is an Italian town of 7 895 inhabitants in the metropolitan city of Turin, in Piedmont )
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Cumiana and OrbasaNo
cumiana crestacumiana elettracumiana arrestatoginnastica cumianacumiana incidentecomba langa cumianavedova nera cumianaorbassano motocrossorbassano italychiesa orbassanocross orbassanocomune cumianazoom cumianaItalian villageVillage in italylegend in Italyeurope villagebeautiful village in italybeautiful city in europAwesome village in italyAwesome village in the worldAwesomelovelylovely village