Welcome to the #AskNathanLatka show where you ask me tough questions and I give you the real answers! Use Hashtag #AskNathanLatka on Instagram or Twitter to ask away.
Hi everyone! We have an awesome show for you today with a wide variety of questions from starting over in my dorm room, earning $3k/mo, using social media to get $5k+ clients, and why LTV is so important.
But before we begin, why on camels middle hump would I start putting these shows out?
Well, you were asking me questions anyway! People are sending me letters. They are asking on webinars. They want to know how I get featured in the New York Times and Washington post, how I sold $4.5m on webinars, how I’ve built my SaaS business, how my team and I work….
So I finally said “You know, I think it’s time to start my own show and give people the real answers they deserve” and so now here we…sitting in front of a camera. My goal and hope is that people take away real , honest answers to important questions surrounding getting to the top in business, creating the most attention grabbing marketing, and living a balanced life buddah would be jealous of.
Ok, let’s get started!
Question 1: What would you do differently if you were starting over from Hunter Orrell?
Answer: Start faster, dont take anything personal, dont make assumptions.
Question 2 from Dustin Ely: If you had to start from scratch and make $3k/day, what would you do?
Answer: I would focus on a unique advantage I have and exploit it. I’ve always wanted to go to a city, negotiate contracts on vacant houses in apartment complexes, and then sell that space on AirBNB. Any asset that sits vacant for any amount of time can be exploited if you connect buyers and sellers.
Question 3 from Heather Heuman: How do you get high end clients from social media?
Answer: This is a bad question. The question you should be focused on is who are your dream 5 clients. Once you figure that out, figure out how much you think they’d pay you for what you offer. Then “touch” them at least once per week until they finally buy from you. Tweets, letters, gifts, chickens, stay top of mind, that’s how you get to The Top!
Question 4 from Nancy Vang: What is your customer LTV?
Answer: There are a few key metrics any SaaS entrepreneur needs to know. LTV, ARPU, and Churn. Heyo customers stay with us for about 20 months on average (1/.05) paying about $30/mo. 30 x 20 is a $600 lifetime value.
Ok, that’s a wrap! Remember, start faster by not making assumptions and read the 30 minute book i recommended (Hunter), exploit your unique advantages to make $3k/mo using the process I shared (Dustin), harass your 5 dream clients the way I recommended (Heather), and remember that increasing LTV is easiest by decreasing churn using the tactic I gave you (Nancy).
Now, I’ll answer your questions! Use #AskNathanLatka on instagram or twitter to ask your question (heck, that’s easier than writing a letter!). Peace!
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