(Green George)
za ženski zbor (SSAA div) brez spremljave /
for female choir (SSAA div) a cappella
po belokranjskih ljudskih motivih /
on folk motives from Bela krajina)
skladatelj / composer: Marijan Dović (rojen / born 1974)
nastanek skladbe / composition written in: 2008
prir. za ženski zbor / arr. for female choir: 2019
Andreji Došler in Komornemu zboru Cantabile / To Andreja Došler and Cantabile Chamber Choir
(P) 2019 Komorni zbor Cantabile / Cantabile Chamber Choir, Slovenia;
Andreja Došler, zborovodkinja / conductor / Used by Permission (AD 200120)
(C) 2020 by ASTRUM Music Publications, Slovenia
AS 33.275/12
2,00 EUR a copy
in choral numbers only
PDF: [ Ссылка ]
Zeleni Jurij
Prošel je, prošel,
pisani vuzem,
došel je, došel,
Zeleni Jurij.
Po zelenem polju
na visokem konju.
Donesel je, donesel,
pedenj dugu travicu,
donesel je, donesel,
laket dugu mladicu.
Dajte mu, dajte,
Jurja darovajte,
dajte mu, dajte,
kar premorajte:
dajte mu vina,
da ga ne bo zima,
dajte mu mleka,
zelena mu obleka,
dajte mu mesa,
da pojde v nebesa,
dajte mu pleče,
da bo k letu veče,
dajte mu pogači,
da mu noga poskoči,
dajte mu jajce,
pa ga ne štentajte,
došel je, došel!
Dajte mu soli
za debele voli,
dajte mu masti,
da bo Bogu v časti.
Dajte mu, dajte,
Jurja darovajte:
dajte mu groš!
Da dojde k letu još!
Green George
It’s finished,
colourful Eastertime,
he came,
Green George.
Through the green field
on a high horse.
He brought
a span-long grass,
he brought
a cubit-long nestling.
Give it to him, come on,
donate George,
give it to him, come on,
whatever you have:
give him wine,
so that he will not be cold,
give him milk,
he has a green suit,
give him meat,
so he’ll go to heaven,
give him a chuck steak,
that he’ll be bigger at year’s turn,
give him cakes,
so his leg jumps up,
give him an egg,
do not be slow at it,
he came!
Give him salt
for obese oxen,
give him lard,
that God will be honoured.
Give it to him, come on,
donate to George:
Give him a coin!
And he’ll come around next year, too!
Translated by Marijan Dović & ASTRUM
(c) 2019 by ASTRUM Music Publications