Congratulation on investing in the best equipment for your health. #bstrong is the safest and the most practical BFR training system on the market. It may not be the cheapest but it is certainly the safest and the most practical for all sports and rehab needs. You will be benefiting from both muscle growth and increase of Growth Hormone.
To get your set of B Strong, please connect with us thru
IG: @bstrongthailand.
FB: @bstrongthailandbfr
Line OA: @bstrongthailand
0:00 Introduction
0:56 Putting on arm bands
2:34 Putting on leg bands
3:17 3 ways to put on leg bands
3:43 Putting in pressure
6:02 Pressure for cardio workout
Enjoy your great health !!!
Recommended starting pressure...this is recommendation only, you can go lower if you feel you need to. Remember go for the SMILE ... using B Strong you should never feel pain or numbness. It is a fun and intense exercise with B Strong
Disclaimer: Workouts are done at the user’s own risk. Vitawat Kasemvudhi, Power in Me Co., Ltd. and B strong and any associated persons are not liable for any loss, damage, injury, or any other mishap directly or indirectly caused by the use of this video and the exercises and/or information contained in this video. BFR training is not recommended for person who is : pregnant, untreated hypertensive, suffering from DVT or coronary disorder, and going thru cancer treatment.