In the wake of the US Supreme Court’s decision to strike down Roe v Wade, women and pregnancy-capable people were left reeling. It was a clear example of how hard-won gains can be reversed, even decades later.
The silver lining is that the decision brought attention to issues surrounding reproductive care that had long been overlooked or simply ignored. Protests in the US and beyond highlighted the global importance of continued advocacy for access to healthcare, better education, and adequate resources.
On a new episode of Monash University’s “What Happens Next?” podcast, host Dr Susan Carland talks to the healthcare providers and advocates working tirelessly to educate people about their health options, ensure that we don't lose ground in the global fight for reproductive justice, and dismantle the systems that have left women's healthcare on the back burner.
This episode’s guests are human rights law expert Dr Tania Penovic; pharmacist Dr Safeera Hussainy; pharmacology researcher Dr Sab Ventura; Louise Johnson, former CEO for the Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority; and Dr Danielle Mazza, head of Monash’s Department of General Practice and director of the SPHERE Centre of Research Excellence in Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health and Primary Care.
This is the final episode of season seven of “What Happens Next?”. The podcast will return in a few short months with a new series investigating new challenges and how each of us can make a difference. In the meantime, be sure to explore our back catalogue of episodes on your favourite podcast app.
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What Happens Next? What is Reproductive Justice?
Roe vs. Wadereproductive healthaustralia women's reproductive healthOBGYN healthwomens healthroe v wadehealthwomen's health symposiumconception helpcall Janeted talk women's healthreproductive rightsabortion in AustraliaAJ+ abortionwomens marchabortion rulingabortion rightswomen's healthbetter health womenreproductive systemreproductive biologywomens rightswhat happens nextdr susan carlandmonash podcastsignal award