Textbook for the Shiur: Commentary to Avot (Shemoneh Perakim / Thirteen Principles of Faith)
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. Thirteen Principles of Faith: 1-2
Full lecture: Thirteen Principles of Faith 1:
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How to serve G-d? Many believe that serving HaShem is to learn Torah, pray each day, observe Sabbath, and eat Kosher food. Those are needed great mitzvot, but they are not enough. Being an observant robot or a walking library is not living a righteous Jewish life, as our sole goal in this world is to perfect our soul, eliminate the blemishes in our middot, and to get closer to the Holy One, blessed be He. Through doing mitzvot and following the path of Torah, we are guided to fix our character, overcome our desires, and maintain balanced traits on the middle way, so we could fulfill our role in Creation: bring G-d’s will into our everyday life.
Those sound like a lot. Fortunately, we are not expected to walk alone. Rambam drew out the roadmap for us to have a purpose-oriented life and get closer to our Creator. Containing Thirteen Principles of Faith, Shemoneh Perakim (Rambam’s work of ethics), and his commentaries to Pirkei Avot, Rambam’s Holy work Shemoneh Perakim is the best tool for us to navigate our life.
Learn with Rabbi Lev Leib Lerner, follow the guidance of Rambam, firm our faith in HaKadosh Baruch Hu, balance our characters, and Be’Ezrat HaShem, we will merit to fulfill the goal of this life, and merit to have an eternal life in the world to come.
#PurposeOrientedLife #Nezikin #Avot #ApplicationOfTorah #Truth #TrueHappiness #Pious #Piety #Prophecy #Middot #CharacterTraits #God #AcceptTheTruth
#ShemonehPerakim #Rambam #Maimonides #IntroductionToPirkeiAvot #ThirteenPrinciplesOfFaith
#JewishValue #JewishHashkafa #Halachos #Halachot #BeezratHashem #RabbiLevLeibLerner #RabbiLerner #LearnWithLerner #BeezratHashemLearnWithLerner #BeezratHashemHalachot #BeezratHashemHalachos #LevLeibLerner #LevLerner #RabbiLevLerner
#Torah #Tanakh #God #faith #laws #rabbi #morals #ethics #morality #jews #torahLecture #lawsOfPurity #LawsofJudaism #BeezratHashem #RabbiLevLeibLerner #LearnwithLerner #RabbiMizrachi #HalachosofJudaism #biblestudy #selfdevelopment #selfimprovement #musarmovement #lawsforwomen #lawsofbrachot #rabbiefraimkachlon #rabbiyaaronreuven #jewishstories #shabbatcandles #torahstudy #ConvertingtoJudaism #TorahLaws #ToviaSinger #TorahTruth
Thirteen Principles of Faith: Preface
TorahTanakhGodfaithlawsrabbimoralsethicsmoralityjewstorah lecturelaws of puritylaws of judaismBeezrat HashemRabbi Lev Leib LernerLearn with LernerRabbi Mizrachihalachos of judaismbible studyself developmentself improvementmusar movementlaws for womenlaws of brachotrabbi efraim kachlonrabbi yaaron reuvenjewish storiesshabbat candlestorah studyconverting to judaismtorah lawstovia singertorah truthhashem