Sometimes it is helpful, in my view, to look at things from different perspectives. I have a video about 10 Ways to Bless Our Men. But I think it can be eye opening to look at things we may inadvertently do that could sabotage the very intimacy we long for as women.
1. Be Needy. Expect your man to meet all of the deepest needs of your soul and to be responsible for your happiness.
2. Be critical and negative.
3. Project anger, fear, sadness, and negative emotions continually every day.
4. Refuse to forgive anything.
5. Threaten to leave often or give ultimatums frequently.
6. Have no self-control.
7. Smother him.
8. Treat him like he is a small child and you are his mother.
9. Interrogate him daily.
10. Assume you are better than he is.
11. Gossip and complain about him to everyone else in your life.
12. Try to change him.
PS -
These things on this video would repel anyone (not just men), by the way. But we can pray for God to change us by His power to become the peaceful, gentle, humble, godly women He calls us to be. :)
Much love to each of you!
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