On 8 March 2022, we premiered the 'Break the Bias' video, featuring successful women in dispute resolution, who spoke about their personal experiences and voiced how we can all be allies to women around the world. The video featured:
Catherine Dixon Ciarb Chief Executive
Jane Gunn, FCIArb, UK
Catherine Green, FCIArb, New Zealand
Asmahaney Saad, MIBA, LLB MUK, Dip LP, Uganda
Luíza Kömel, FCIArb, Brazil
Yoshimi Ohara, Japan
Judge Louise A.LaMothe, FCIArb, USA
Kshama A. Loya, LL.B., LL.M, India
Aysha Abdulla Mutaywea, LLM, Bahrain
Justice Rubie Nottage, FCIArb, The Bahamas
Mercedes Tarrazon, Spain
The video was then followed by a panel discussion, moderated by Catherine Dixon, Ciarb’s Director General, and featured:
Juan Carlos Pinto Escobedo, MCIArb, Perú
Sapna Jhangiani, QC FCIArb, Singapore
Ranse Howell, PHD, JD, MSW, USA
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