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This video is about REVELATIONS 12: 2 - WOMAN IN TRAVAIL
Now that we’ve identified the woman of Revelations 12:1, we can now explore Revelations 12:2 to see what happens to this woman. In verse 2 notice that she is with child, travailing in pain she cries out. First we must establish an understanding. The whole world will travail in pain. Travailing in pain isn’t just for Israel but there is a distinction between the pain Israel will experience and the pain the world will experience. Travailing in birth pains is both for the world and the children of Israel. So what’s the difference between the two?
The birth pains the Children of Israel experience is from the affliction they will suffer when they are brought back into captivity. This is their time of great trouble and distress, referred to as ‘The Time of Jacob’s Trouble’. Although this enslavement has been pre-ordained by the Most High, Yahweh himself, it will be carried out by the hands of our enemies. This captivity will be like never before. So severe it will cause Israel as a nation to cry out and repent. They will cry out to be delivered from their suffering that will continually intensify like the birth pains of a woman. Suffering so bad scripture tells us there was nothing like it since they were a nation and nothing like it ever again (Daniel 12:1). Although, there is hope. Scripture also tells us Israel will be delivered out of it.
The woman of revelationsrevelationsChildren of IsraelTime of Jacobs troubleLatter daysend timeslast daysNew World OrderRevelations 12Revelations 12:2Prophecyslaverytravailwoman in travailafflictionafflictedJewsIsraelitesHebrewsBlack hebrewblack hebrew isrealitethrough the eyes of scriptureREVELATIONS 12: 2 - WOMAN IN TRAVAILRevelations 12:1Travailing12 years a slavebook of negrosnegrosblacksBook of herbrewsThe Birth of A Nation