Newsbag is a new animated adult Irish comedy sitcom that will air exclusively on 3e Saturday at 10pm on 3e.
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Newsbag follows the adventures of Lenny, Gig and Moss who work for a dysfunctional Dublin-based online news website run by a rich megalomaniac named Eric Dundee.
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Newsbag - Brand new Irish Comedy! | 3e
IrelandComedyirish comedyadult humour3etv3funny irishirish humourirish animationspoof newsdublinSatire (TV Genre)Black Comedy (TV Genre)FunnyHumour (Literary Genre)Television (Invention)Humorirish televisionsouth parkStand-up Comedy (TV Genre)SketchSpoofnew irish comedyfresh tv programmenewsbagNewssbagAdult animationhilarious tv