This story was written by Brooks, Bruno, Amalia, Kayla, Madeline, and Jace at Maplewood Elementary - watch the Story Wranglers bring it to life!
Once Upon a Time There were two friends dressed as ghosts named Bob and Kiki who lived in New York City who loved eating Doritos.
They wanted to scare all the kids on Halloween by dressing as ghosts and making them eat the spiciest doritos. A bag of spicy doritos says, “Spicy!” because spicy doritos tickle your tongue.
But when they go out scaring, they realized that they mixed up their dates and it wasn’t even Halloween. They knew because they checked their big calendar. It was free waterpark day so all the kids were down at the water park, swimming.
Then Bob and Kiki waited until Halloween, they went out scaring on actual Halloween night. Two police officers stopped them and said, “Give us your costumes and your doritos and stop scaring kids. And if you don’t, we’ll make you do our laundry!”
And Ever Since That Day Bob and Kiki never scared kids again because they were worried what the policeman’s laundry would be like. Bob says, “oooo! Let’s hope we never have to do their laundry!” And Kikik replied, “They weigh 5 lbs so they must have to do 1,000 loads of laundry a year!”
The End!
Song by Adam Martínez
Choreography by Kayur Patel
Direction by Katie Moore
Music Direction by Tyler Mabry
Ensemble: Mimi Meier, Jocelyn Pickett, Wallis Brown, Colby Raasch, Yuki Desouza, Adam Martínez, Annie Kim Hedrick, Lligany Otaduy, Ben Cervantes
Prop Production by Stephanie Vasquez Fonseca
Video Production by Jessica Gardner
Sound by Gary James
Presented by the Paramount Theatre - Austin, Texas
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