Whether you are a tenant or a landlord, renting property is fraught with problems of one kind or another. Eviction for rent arrears, cutting of electricity, locking out tenants, non-payment of rent, non-refund of deposit, exorbitant rent increases are some of the common issues. In desperation, some take the law into their own hands and do things that are unlawful. Rental housing experts warn tenants and landlords that resolving rental disputes without a court process is dangerous and unlawful. Join us on Yilungelo Lakho as we discuss your rights and duties.
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Watch Yilungelo Lakho every Friday at 13:30 on SABC 1. Catch the programme again on Mondays at 09:30 on SABC 1.
Yilungelo Lakho an interactive live show, aims at informing and educating consumers on their rights. Every Friday we focus on a particular topic for the entire hour - kicking off with an insert which serves as a background/scene setter, after which our studio guests/experts or commentators analyse the issue. Telephone lines are open during the whole show for viewers to participate.