"The Winds of Change" is a trailer for the upcoming documentary produced by Show N tell Ministries with videographer Brad Simmons. PICK UP YOUR BED AND WALK tells the story of the Wilson Fike High School football teams that won state championships in 1967, 1968, and 1969.
A spirit swept through the tobacco community of Wilson, NC in the fall of 1967. As scripture says, "The wind blows as it wishes. And you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going."
This spirit ignited among a group of high school boys known as the Cyclones. And the spirit blew through their community. But success didn't come until Ralph Cherry, the preacher's quiet kid, spoke up. "We're not sick. Why don't we pick up our mats and walk."
And so, the spirit swept through a struggling football team, unifying a community amidst societal changes that divided other communities.
For more information, visit wilsonfikedocumentary.com.
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