Memory loss, cognitive decline, Dementia, and Alzheimer’s can be reversed.
Dr. Dale Bredesen of UCLA and his group have created the RE-CODE program to reverse Memory loss and other neurodegenerative illnesses, and the PRE-CODE program to prevent it. Below is a graphic that shows what happened in 3 different clinical trials. The red bar shows without treatment early Alzheimer’s gets worse. The orange bar shows a drug for treatment and the illness got worse slower. The mustard bar is another drug where the illness also got worse slower. The green bar shows the RE-CODE program improving Alzheimer’s Disease. The RE-CODE study included people aged 50 to 76 with either Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) or early Alzheimer’s disease. In fact, 84% of people in the trial improved. Those that were most adherents to the program were most likely to improve.
How does Memory loss progress?
Memory loss, cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer’s Disease start decades before you or your family notice them in your everyday life.
Sometimes for decades, you have pre-symptomatic changes to your brain that can be detected on various tests like advanced MRI or PET scanning. I’m sure you have heard of carcinogens, substances that cause cancer. Dementogens, are substances that can cause dementia or memory loss. These can be found in people decades before memory loss and put them at high risk for cognitive impairment. Brain scans can show evidence of brain changes long before symptoms.
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There are 4 stages of Alzheimer’s.
1. Pre-symptomatic. Just like people are told they have pre-diabetes, we should be thinking about this like pre-Alzheimers. And just like the pre-diabetic, early treatment is preventative.
2. Subjective Cognitive impairment. This is when you know something is not right but no one else can tell. Your cognitive tests are still in the normal range. This should be thought of as early Alzheimer’s. Just like our diabetes example above, treatment can stop and even reverse this.
3. Mild Cognitive impairment. This is a state where your cognitive tests show impairment, but you can still do all your self-care and activities of daily living. And again, this can be stopped and reversed.
4. Alzheimer’s disease is the fourth stage. At this point, you can no longer safely care for yourself. The great news is that this can be stopped and revered as shown above.
What is the RE-CORE and PRE-CORE program?
Pre-CORE is to prevent brain decline. Re-CORE is to treat brain decline.
It is a deep dive into the many factors that can result in impaired brain health. Each person is assessed individually.
There are 6 subtypes of dementia that contribute to declining brain health.
1. Type 1 is the inflammatory type. The primary driver is inflammation.
2. Type 2 is the atrophic type. This type shows insufficient growth factors for the brain.
3. Type 1.5 is glycotoxic or sugar toxic and is sometimes called type 3 diabetes. It is called type 1.5 because it has features of both types 1 and 2.
4. Type 3 is Toxic. These people are suffering from one or more toxins. Often these people do not seem to have an obvious toxic exposure, but we find they have an impaired ability to detoxify. They are the “canaries in the coal mine”.
5. Type 4 is vascular. Just like you can get blocked arteries in your heart, they can happen in your brain. Sometimes this type results from many “mini” strokes. Sometimes it is just the narrowing of blood vessels that leads to your brain starving for oxygen and nutrition.
6. Trauma. These people will have a history of head trauma, TBI, or concussions.
Most people will have a combination of subtypes.
The seven basic areas assess by the RE-CODE and PRE-CODE programs are:
1. Nutrition
2. Exercise
3. Sleep
4. Stress
5. Stimulation of the brain
6. Detoxification
7. Supplements
All these factors have been shown to improve Neuroplasticity, the process of healing your brain.
Additionally, the many factors that can affect brain health can be assessed. Things like total toxic burden in your body, Chronic infections with bacteria and viruses known or believed to affect brain health, Mold or mycotoxins, toxic metals, Gut health, Chronic inflammation, and more.
We start with a cognitive assessment.
A simple paper and pencil test to see how your brain is functioning. If due to your test result, genetics, family history, or personal symptoms we feel we need to move forward, we do a formal RE-CORE (for reversal) or PRE-CORE (for prevention) report. This involves a complete history and physical examination, medical questionnaires, and lab evaluations. This will help us identify your sub-type or types. Then a program is developed based on your result and additional testing may be required to assess worrisome areas in your report more fully.
This is a WHOLE LIFE intervention. Everything from diet, sleep and exercise to stress management, relationships, detoxification, and beyond are addressed.
Memory Dementia Alzheimer's and recovery
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