hey guys im bringing you a guide to find all Titanite Chunks, Blue Red and white in Dark Souls and Dark Souls Remastered
theres 11 Titanite Chunks within the world
theres also 11 Red Titanite Chunks within the world
there is 8 Blue Tianite Chunks to be found
also another 8 White Titanite Chunks with the world
Titanite Chunks
x1 undead burg 0:23
x2 the great hollow 0:28
x2 new londo ruins 0:49
x2 sens fortress 1:17
x1 anor londo 1:43
x2 kiln of the first flame 1:52
farming tips 1:52
Red Titanite Chunks
x2 the great hollow 2:19
x3 demon ruins 2:54
x2 lost izalith 3:04
x2 undead ayslum return 3:29
x2 DLC 3:38
x2 kiln of the first flame 3:53
farming tips 3:59
Blue Titanite Chunks
x2 the great hollow 4:03
x1 darkroot basin 4:31
x5 duke's archives 4:37
farming tips 5:17
White Titanite Chunks
x2 the great hollow 5:20
x1 catacombs 5:46
x4 tomb of giants 6:07
farming tips 6:37
x3 snuggly the crow 6:41
farming tips 2:28
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