SL: Vsak izdelek spremljajo od začetka do konca, torej od semena bombaža na polju preko ekološke pridelave, do kosa oblačila kot odpadka. Pristop do procesa je problemski, osredotoča pa se na sam izvor surovine, njeno okolje in pridelovalca. Kupca se v proces vključuje z informiranjem o izvoru in razrezu cene ter izobraževanjem o tematiki.
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EN: Every product is monitored from the beginning to the end, as in from the cottonseed on a field through the organic production to the article of clothing as a piece of waste. Their approach to the process is problem-oriented and focuses on the origin of the raw materials, their environment and their producer. The customer is involved in the process by being given information about the origin and price structure as well as some education on the topic.
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Pripravili/Prepared by: Nina Ocvirk, Kaja Štefanič
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