The second day of CES 2021 has come to a close. There were several interesting things that were unveiled. Intel has announced new processors based on 'Tiger Lake' and 'Comet Lake' architectures, Samsung took the wraps off its Snapdragon 888 competitor, the Exynos 2100 and AMD launched the new Ryzen 5000 series processors. There were some out-of-the-ordinary events too, like General Motors unveiling a flying car and... well, watch the video to find out the rest.
0:00 Introduction
0:50 Intel's Announcements
1:31 AMD Ryzen 5000 Mobile Chipsets
2:16 Nvidia 30 Series Graphics Cards
2:44 Samsung Exynos 2100 SoC
3:22 General Motors "Flying Car"
4:27 Razer' Exciting Projects
5:15 Asus ROG Laptops
5:49 Lenovo ThinkPad Plus Gen 2
Anchor: Shubham Raheja ([ Ссылка ])
Video Editor: Robin John ([ Ссылка ])
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