The story revolves around four careless and fun-loving youths played by Vijaya Raghavendra, Nagkiran, Diganth and Komal Kumar who is dumb. By mere luck, the youths come to know about a secret location where a rich businessman (who died in an accident) has kept Rs. 30 crores in cash. The four youths set out happily to find the money but a policeman named Prathap (Sudeep) follows them. Prathap desperately needs a promotion and calculates that this is the finest opportunity that he could get to fulfill his wish so he chases the four youths. But after some time, the youths and Prathap join hands and strike a deal by which 60% of the money will go to the youths and 40% to Prathap. So all five continue their fun-filled journey to get the treasure. Don't forget to visit ShemarooKannada for more such Hot Movies [ Ссылка ] #kannada
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Masth Maja Maadi – ಮಸ್ತ್ ಮಜಾ ಮಾಡಿ2008*SGV
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