Viewing guide, to help you find material of interest and skip the rest. (The video is meant as a guide to those who might wish to visit there, as a family-history, and is also a personal travelogue, so not all the material is of interest to any given viewer.)
The first 8 minutes concentrate on my trip itself: maps which helped me locate the town (pre-internet, and during Communist rule there), then maps helping me locate the house my father lived in as a child, and old photos to help me identify it, so there is a lengthy comparison between the old photos of the house and the new houses on that street (you may wish to fast-forward this part).
From 7:58 the video is about the shul.
From about 9:00-14:30 is the old cemetery (abandoned even before WWII), with photos of various headstones; the first part of this is a few minutes about the headstone of a relative, then of various others - I hope you'll find headstones of your ancestors/relatives here.
The last part is the town center and then some personal material.
I was in touch with the mayor long ago (her letter to my father is included), and I hope to organize the descendants in order to be able to return to the town and by pooling resources arrange for some care of the cemetery in the name of all the families.
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