Friends, this video does not portray Barack Obama as the Antichrist, but as his forerunner. His role in Bible prophecy is found in Revelation 13:3, and while his Presidency was not extended as expected, we can be sure his role in Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. It is possible that Obama will be appointed to the United Nations in a leading role later this year!
The man we call Antichrist is referred to in Revelation as the Second Beast (Rev 13:11), and will rise to power to become the new King of England, identified on the Clock as Prince William Arthur the Duke of Cambridge. See Chapter 6 of my book for details on his life and birth that may surprise you. I continue to believe he will call for use of advanced robotics to restore a seriously wounded Barack Obama, whose disabling head wound will prevent him from speaking, or even appearing, in public.
This is the reason why the "IMAGE" referred to in Revelation is given "life" (physical movement) and a "mouth to speak" (computer voice synthesis), in a near-perfect emulation of the fallen Obama.
A full-body prosthesis of Obama may be remotely linked to him using neural-based computer software, a kind of remote-controlled "body double," or look-alike. The Antichrist will then use Obama's image to rally public support for his own ambitions at world conquest. He will also bring about population-wide chipping under the guise of "peace and safety," both for the purpose of surveillance and to control individual access to banking and commerce.
While all of this may seem far-fetched, it will be the miracle of modern technology that Satan will use to bring worship and adoration to the First Beast, after which the Second Beast will introduce the MARK ... without which "no one may buy or sell."
*** The man who brings about the MARK and calls for restoration of Barack Obama will be the Antichrist!! ***
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(C) The Clock Prophecy and The Clock of the Four Night Watches
All rights reserved: approved use must include a link back to the Measure of Days website
Note: Dates discussed represent scripture placements on the Clock and are not dates of predicted fulfillment. This ministry is in no way associated with the "rapture puzzle" or other Rapture prediction theology. The core teaching of the C4NW message is preparation for the Rapture, not when it will occur.
God bless!
Peter John Brandal
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