In order to flesh out their lineup, Nickelodeon picked up one of the sweetest, most charming and wholesome children's show from the 1970s. Join Dusty and his puppet friends, Maxine the Crow, Scooter the Squirrel and Stanley the Spider as they learn about the world and themselves.
Of course, someone had to come around and corrupt it.
"Hi There, Boys and Girls! Americas Local Childrens TV Programs" by Tim Hollis
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Dusty's Treehouse - Nick Knacks Episode #013
nickelodeonnick1980dusty's treehousedusty's atticdustymaxinecrowscootersquirrelstanleyspiderpuppetchildren19681960s60sstu rosenstuart m rosensturosensteve martinkidstelevisiontvolympic entertainmentchildrens cable networkbill cosbypicture pagesshari lewisshari showDominic OrsattiMetric Manscam90s1990scablelos angelesburbankcaliforniaTony UrbanoBarbara Rottman