Na vojnoj vežbi "Sadejstvo 20" viđena su dva modela modernizovanog tenka M-84AS1 koji su izveli gađanje bojevom municijom u pokretu.
Modernizovani tenk se razvija u dve faze, AS1 i AS2, a one su u takvom statusu razvoja da mogu, da se uključe u združena taktička uvežbavanja, da se vidi kako funkcionišu u prirodnom taktičkom okruženju sa ostalim elementimna. Svaka od ovih faza ima određeni broj podsistema koji donose unapređenja iz oblasti zaštite. Iz aktuelnih sukoba se vidi koliko je bitno popraviti zaštitu tenka i koliko je neophodna odgovarajuća protivvazduhoplovna zaštita. Miloradović navodi da u prvoj fazi ima devet novih podsistema, a u drugoj fazi još 12. Svaki od njih je u ispitivanjima individualno proveren, pa se sada radi integralno ispitivanje tenka kao celine sa svim podsistemima u pravim, realnim, borbenim uslovima.
At the military exercise "Sadejstvo 20", two models of the modernized M-84AS1 tank were seen firing live ammunition on the move.
The modernized tank is being developed in two phases, AS1 and AS2, and they are in such a development status that they can, engage in joint tactical exercises, see how they function in a natural tactical environment with other elements.
Each of these phases has a number of subsystems that bring improvements in the field of protection.
The current conflicts show how important it is to repair the protection of the tank and how much adequate anti-aircraft protection is necessary.
Miloradović states that in the first phase there are nine new subsystems, and in the second phase another 12. Each of them was individually checked in the tests, so now an integral examination of the tank as a whole with all subsystems in real, real, combat conditions is being done.
Music credit:
Video credit: Personal Lybrary
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