Walking the Wild Alaska
Whether you've come to hike, ski, kayak, or climb, you will see wildlife. There are grizzly and black bears, mountain goats, caribou, moose, gray wolves, river otters, sea lions, porpoises, and orca whales, as well as bald and golden eagles.
Ranger Courtney Eberhardy, provides us with an in-depth guide to trekking through the vastness and spectacular landscapes of Wrangell St. Elias.
The park has 48 species of mammals and nearly a 1000 species of plants, scattered across the forests and mountains and is the largest designated wilderness area on earth and also the largest national park in North America.
Remember the information in this film may just save your life.
Walking the Wild
bearsalaskaWrangell St-EliasCarlisle AntonioGrizzliesBrown BearsBlack BearsRed Man FilmsBremnerStephens HarperRangersAurora Borealissafetylinformationbear sprayweaponsgunsfirearmsstatisticsglaciersalaska glaciersroot glaciercarlisle antonioredman-filmselizabeth schafergrizzly bearsicecrevassesmoulinscramponstrekking poleswrangell st-elias mountains