00:00 Number of WORKING days between 2 dates in Excel
00:23 Days between 2 dates ignoring Saturday and Sunday weekends
00:40 Number of working days ignoring holidays too
01:14 Days between 2 dates ignoring Sundays only (or any other weekend types)
01:38 Ignore any day of the week (or combination) in working days calculation
02:19 Working days with only 1 day weekends e.g. food services have a Monday 'weekend'
How to calculate the number of working days between two dates in Excel given different weekend days and even for weekends that are only 1 day, using the NETWORKDAY functions. Can easily exclude Saturday and Sunday from your date difference calculation and also ignore your public holidays/ forced leave days. But now you can also be more specific on what represents a weekend i.e.
Weekend= Saturday & Sunday, or
Weekend= Friday & Saturday, or any 2 day combination.
Can also calculate the working days if there is effectively only a 1 da weekend i.e.
Weekend= Sunday only, or
Weekend= Monday only (restaurants, entertainment etc)
Working days in Excel excluding weekends and holidays
Working days in Excel excluding weekends and holidaysexclude weekend in excel date calculationscalculate working days in excel excluding weekends and holidaysexcel calculate working days in a monthworking days excluding bank holidayscalculate working days in excel excluding sundayscalculate number of working days in excel from todaycalculate number of working days in excel including start and end dateexcel formula count working daysexcel public holiday formula