The Government of Andhra Pradesh has embarked on the development of Amaravati, the new Capital City of Andhra Pradesh as a pioneering smart city in India. MA&UD, Government of Andhra Pradesh vide their G.O. Ms. No. 109, May 02, 2015 have constituted the Capital City Development and Management Corporation (CCDMC). CCDMC is a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) under Companies Act, 2013, for the development, implementation, operation and management of Amaravati.
MA & UD, Govt. of A.P vide their G.O.Ms.No112, dt: 05.05.2016 issued an order stating that CCDMC shall be the Development Agency for Capital City area (~217 Sq.Km) and shall take up Trunk Infrastructure Works in the Capital City. The G.O mandates CCDMC to develop trunk infrastructure including Inner Ring Road, City Access Road, Major Roads, Water Treatment Plant, Water Supply, Sewerage Treatment Plant, Sewerage, Power, Drainage, Government Buildings, Water Ways, Flood Management, Greenery, etc. within the Capital City. CCDMC will work under the guidance of the Economic Development Board and GoAP, taking on various Projects in the Capital City through Project Specific SPVs.
On December 29, 2016 under the Companies Act, Capital City Development and Management Corporation Limited has been changed to Amaravati Development Corporation Limited (ADCL). To realize the ambitious vision and dream of the capital city and to make it a reality, ADCL has taken initiatives to develop integrated infrastructure facilities along with blue and green infrastructure in the Capital City.
Consultants renowned for their work, world over, such as Arcadis from the Netherlands, Tata Consulting Engineers, GIIC from China, Aarvee Associates, HCP, LASA, EPTISA, Isan Corporation and Feedback ventures have been engaged by ADCL to prepare various plans and manage the projects.
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