We purchased Flipper from World wide pet store in Hartford Connecticut he was shipped through the mail to us in north central Pennsylvania.
The pet shop owner Pete is a wealth of information. He showed us flipper in his aquarium in the store swimming around with his friends via text messages.
Flipper lived at the pet store for six weeks before we purchased him.
The first two days flipper didn’t eat anything and he stayed hidden in his log after a brief and nervous exploration around the aquarium.
I was very nervous because I heard that they are difficult to feed and very shy and nocturnal, however all my fears were gone by day three.
On day three I dumped in a lot of food for flipper.
First I tried sprinkling in thawed out Bryan shrimp. Flipper did not come out to see it at all.
Then I put a third Bryn shrimp and Mysis shrimp cube in a jar and gently lowered it down to the mouth of his log where he was hiding.
At first he explored only with his tail his tail is the part that sends out electric pulses to describe for him the consistency and location and size of his surroundings.
After some time he went in and tasted and filled his belly.
By day four he was happily swimming all about the aquarium with all the bright lights on.
And within the first week he was eating for my hand!!!
Each night I carefully collected the uneaten food in the jar and put it in the fridge so as not to pollute the water.
I also did an emergency quarter tank water change after giving him tons of food that first night he ate. Because nitrates began to spike since I put a huge amount of food in there and left it in all night for him to find he did eat most of it by morning
I carefully cleaned all the debris and put fresh water in early that morning around 3 AM to keep him safe and healthy and he has been a happy brave friendly fish ever since.
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