West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar cast his vote in the eighth phase of assembly polls. The governor was accompanied by his wife Sudesh Dhankhar who also cast her vote. Dhankhar and his wife voted at a polling station in Chowringhee in Kolkata. BJP's Mithun Chakraborty also cast his vote in the eighth phase of Bengal Assembly polls. The actor-turned-leader voted at a polling booth in Kashipur-Belgachia of North Kolkata. Congratulating the security personnel, Mithun said he never voted so peacefully before. Meanwhile, BJP chief JP Nadda urged Bengal voters to cast their votes while following Covid norms. Voting is underway at 35 constituencies in four districts of West Bengal. As many as 283 candidates are in the fray in the last phase of the Assembly elections. The counting of votes for Bengal polls will take place on May 2.
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