Passive Income report - how much youtube paid me small channel and how much do small youtubers make UK.
Hi guys thanks for watching this video on passive income - how much do small youtbers make in the uk and how much youtube paid me small channel. Hopefully I can pull back the curtain a little of the Youtube world and give you guys a better understanding of what’s going on.
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Firstly guys I would like to talk about how youtube income works in regards to how much youtube paid me small channel. When calculating your total revenue there are 2 numbers that are vitally important, these numbers are your CPM and your RPM. Your CPM is the amount of money that your videos earn per 1,000 views but your RPM is the amount of revenue that you receive (per 1,000 views) after youtube has taken its cut. This is important information to know when trying to answer the question, how much do small youtubers make UK, or how much I make from YouTube small YouTuber. So to clarify when working out these numbers the CPM is important but it is the RPM that is how much youtube paid me as a small youtuber.
Next guys I would like to talk about how this money affects me, and the impact this revenue has on me overall. The amount of money I have generated from passive income on youtube is more money for me then I ever thought possible when trying to work out, how much youtube paid me with a small channel. $1226 dollars is a huge amount of money for me and is an amount I did not think it was possible to earn, so the answer to the question - how much I make from YouTube small YouTuber will hopefully creep over $2000 dollars next month in total. As I spoke about in the video this represents around a 70% increase in my overall income or wages, in one month which is absolutely crazy.
Next guys I would like to talk about what I expect going forward from my YouTube channel. Now obviously this video, how much youtube paid me small channel and how much do small youtubers make UK, shows that I made an amazing amount of money (I feel personally) However, I doubt this trend can continue. I have seen other how much I make from youtube small youtuber videos and I am under no illusion that large amounts of passive income on youtube can be consistent, I expect it to be fairly inconsistent and we can probably say that this number may go down next month. Generating Passive income youtube channel is a huge privilege and as long as there are a few people getting value from this that is fantastic regardless of revenue. I am completely blown away by how much youtube paid me as a small youtuber.
Now I would like to talk to you guys about a best case scenario and possible future investments. How much youtube paid me small channel and how much do small youtubers make UK, the video you can see above, my give me the opportunity to invest in the stock market, possibly the FTSE 100 and take my passive income on youtube and turn that into a regular passive income from dividend investments. Now passive income youtube channel is something that is inconsistent and unstable. However, I may be able to take the money that I earn in an unstable environment and place that money in to long term low risk stocks and shares and effectively begin to generate an income for the rest of my life. I know this is not in my immediate future and the money may stop flowing in the near future but I think it is not only important to plan for a worst case scenario but also try and plan for a best case scenario. I am not saying how much I make from youtube as a small youtuber will set me up for life, but it does at least allow me to see the potential of a brighter future. And that really does excite me, knowing this could be that start of something amazing.
So in conclusion guys we have spoken about the amount of revenue that I generated passively with my youtube channel in the above video - how much youtube paid me small channel and how much do small youtubers make UK ($1226) which was absolutely mind blowing that I could generate that much money, knowing how much i make from youtube as a small youtuber is crazy. We then spoke about how this affects me and the impact on my overall income. (Increase of 70%) After that we looked forward to what might happen in the coming months with my passive income on YouTube and how I expect this revenue to maybe decrease due to the inconsistent nature of it. Then we looked at potential investments, now generating passive income youtube channel is a huge privilege like we have mentioned previously but it could potential open up the door to consistent passive income in the form of investing into stocks and shares, possible the FTSE 100 to generate an income for life. Knowing how much youtube paid me as a small youtuber is very interesting and I am looking forward to what the future holds here, but it is important to note that next month I would imagine that this revenue would decrease.
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