A video of Mumbai's Santacruz flyover is going viral. In this video, a young man is seen sitting on the roof of a taxi and trying to stop the taxi running at high speed. It is being told that the taxi driver hit another vehicle and started running. The front glass of the taxi is also seen broken in the video, which makes it clear that the accident was serious. Police say that they have seen the video, but they have not received any official complaint in this matter. Police are now trying to find out when this incident took place.
The copyright ownership in the video rests with India Today Group. No third party is permitted to use the video without obtaining the permission of India Today Group. Any permission for usage can be obtained through the email ID provided here mail@lallantop.com.
इस वीडियो का कॉपीराइट स्वामित्व इंडिया टुडे ग्रुप के पास है. इंडिया टुडे ग्रुप की अनुमति के बिना, किसी तीसरे पक्ष को वीडियो का उपयोग करने की आज्ञा नहीं है. उपयोग की अनुमति इस ईमेल आईडी mail@lallantop.com के माध्यम से प्राप्त की जा सकती है.
खबरों को विस्तार से पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करे यहां- [ Ссылка ]
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Produced By: The Lallantop
Edited By: Danish
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