Title: Dharti Maa (دھرتی ماں) | Ali Haider Bukhari | National Amateur Short Film Festival - 2021 National Amateur Short Film Festival (NASFF) is intended to proffer a chance to our enormously creative and talented youth to produce high quality short films, showcasing Pakistan to the World.
Dharti Maa (دھرتی ماں) – A Film by Ali Haider Bukhari
(Colors of Pakistan)
A Film about love for one's motherland and how that love unites people from every background in safeguarding its honor even at the cost of their blood, body and soul. This Film encompasses presentation of Pakistan, with a view to enable any expat to formally introduce our country to the viewers.
National College of Arts (NCA)
Director / Producer / Writer /
Editor: Ali Haider Bukhari
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