Q&A: Ask the Rabbi With Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz
In this video "Occupational Hazards of a Baal Teshuvah" Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz explains some of the difficult and confusing issues that can come up for a Baal Teshuvah, as he begins living a more religious life, following Jewish ideology and law.
In Judaism, a ba'al teshuvah (Hebrew: בעל תשובה; for a woman, בעלת תשובה, baalat teshuva or baalas teshuva; plural, בעלי תשובה, baalei teshuva, "master of return [to God]") is a Jew from a secular background who becomes religiously observant (From Wikipedia).
In other words a Baal Teshuvah is someone that begins "A religious life journey" later in life and must therefore make difficult changes in ideology and lifestyle.
Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz, a world-renowned Rav and lecturer, currently resides in Jerusalem, Israel. In addition to his expertise on most Jewish topics like Bible Study, Jewish Laws and Customs, Kabbalah and Spirituality, Torah and Science, Parenting and Education, Jewish Prayer and personal growth and character development, he is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University and Harvard Law School (JD, 1979, Magna Cum Laude), and a tenured professor of law at the University of Maryland specializing in contracts, commercial law, and medical ethics.
We hope you enjoy this video "Occupational Hazards of a New Religious Life Path" ***Please comment if you have any question***
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#AskTheRabbi #BaalTeshuvah #JewishLiving
Occupational Hazards of a Baal Teshuvah
Ask the RabbiWisdom for the SoulOccupational Hazards of a New Religious Life PathRabbi Manis FriedmanJLI Jewish Learning InstituteRabbi Alon AnavaHidabrootRabbi Yitzchak BreitowotzRabbi Akiva TatzKabbalah & MysticismLearning KabbalahJudaism explainedJews for JudaismJewish MysticismTorahTorah & ScienceAccording to Torah Values?Jewish PhilosophyCreative WritingBible ValuesBaal TeshuvahRabbi Yitzchak BottonJewish LivingOhr Somayach