Playing Swoop on on the BBC for the first time in decades. And using a decent joystick on the BBC too, thanks to the doohickey I got from Monster Joysticks. Shame I'm a bit too tired to really get the most from it but there we go.
(Not sponsored or anything like that, purchased entirely with my own money, from [ Ссылка ] )
Some people have said I should set up a tip jar, to help with cost of repairs and the like. As I can't really offer anything other than thanks I don't feel Patreon is particularly suitable, so I've set up this - [ Ссылка ]
Absolutely no obligation, I'm not doing any content just for people who pay and not doing adverts of any kind, it's just there for those who'd like to help out occasionally.
Swoop on BBC Model B (Rob's Retro Rambles)
BBC Model B1982 computer gamebbc microbbc model bsuperior softwareacorn computers (computer manufacturer/brand)bbc micro (video game platform)acorn computersbbc micro gamesbbc model b gamesbbc model b computerswoop gameplaymonster joysticks reviewmonster joysticks reveiwMonster JoystickMonser joystickMonster joytsickGalaxian cloneGalaxian BBCGalaxians bbcGalaxians cloneBBC Swoop gamejoystick adaptorjoystick adapter