I've been taking my time with the latest build: A 4G/LTE Finwing Albabird. I finally forced myself to learn how to design parts using Fusion 360 so I made a few custom parts for this build: A case to hold the SixFab HAT and modem so I can now easily swap the HAT to my other planes. And a case for the raspberry pi zero 2 and the CSI to HDMI adaptor board. This is a really compact setup and it fits well in the Albabird. It's a little tricky to hit CG depending on battery configuration so I made a flight controller deck as well. This gets the flight controller elevated so that I can stick the 4G components underneath to hit CG. With 4S3P 18650s, I can slide the 4G components back further to hit CG but for the test flights I'm using lipos.
I've been testing out various cameras as well. I may just go with a Arducam HQ camera for FPV feed and a Runcam Thumb Pro 4K for the recording. It's not bad for what it is and can take an SD unlike the Insta360 Go2 which is limited to 64GB and only 30min recording.
In this video you will see some of the test flights I have done to tune the plane, and test 4G. Some of the flights I was just testing different cameras, some I was testing different parameters in Arduplane.
4G/LTE Albabird Test Flights
DJIUnmanned Aerial Vehicledronebatterymodbattery modunlimited range18650proprofessionaluavuaslongdistancerangelong distancelong rangefar4garudupilotarduplaneuavmatrixuavcastlipoliionjoystickcontroljoystick controlfly with joystickpixhawkfrskylogitechholybroaeronauthobbywingFPV goggles v2fpvpan tiltservosalbabirdfinwingsnowcloudsinsta360 go 2lteraspberry piruncam thumb pro 4kguided modeautoland