Dhapu Devi hasn't got any payment after mid May 2019. As per the NREGA website, an attempt was made to send money to her account but the transaction got rejected with reason "Inactive Aadhaar". Though she was getting paid earlier in the same bank account, she stopped getting payments all of the sudden. She went to panchayat office many times but of no avail. She also went to NREGA MIS office and also assured her that she will get payments soon. She isn't sure how to rectify the problem and was told it was due to her Date of birth but he didn't rectify anything.
In many instances, when Aadhaar card was made it just had the year of birth and didn't had date of birth. She also had two Aadhaar prints, one with only year and another with date of birth. Date of Birth in such instances is generally first day of that year.
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