Jocul ursului, Cezar Corjescu si Cristi Pavalache. Revelion 2010-2011, Draguseni, Botosani
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In villages, people commences the morning time on New Year's Eve with the ancient tradition of 'Little Plough' (Plugusorul). As a part of it, villagers and farmers pray for a fruitful and rich harvesting year ahead. As a part of this tradition, children, and people of young age who are the ploughmen for the custom, play whips, bells, and rings. Also, there is another instrument called as 'bull', which when played, creates a sound similar to that of a bull's roar. In the evening, the tradition of 'Old Plough' is observed. It is in no way different from the 'Little Plough', other than a point that it has older men performing the rituals. Also, they use real farming tools, along with two oxen to plough the field.
In the evening time, most of the villages have planned cultural programs, in which everyone from the village come in, wearing colorful amusing masks. As a part of celebrations, local people showcase their tradition by performing their customary dance on traditional music.
Most of the traditions observed by people of Romania have some or the other significance, and most of the time, that significance is related to one's fate and about optimistic hopes for the future. The traditions as followed on the occasion of New Year's Eve are no different.
Bear ritual is one important practice associated with the history of the Romania celebrations on New Year's Eve. As a part of it, people dress themselves in vibrant clothes or clothes made of artificial animal fur. Then, they gather to form groups, and then make a visit to every house in the neighborhood while dancing. This very old bear tradition is believed to sway all evils and negativities away and out of a household and the lives of people living in them. In return, people usually present them with some cash. In last few years, this tradition has gained prominence in urban parts of the country as well. Similarly, there are masks' games and goats' games organized in several parts of Romania on New Year's Eve.
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Jocul Ursului Cezar Corjescu, Draguseni Botosani
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