Last night i met an old pal in a ranked match who said "hey you're faltun right? the big regstar youtuber" :D I was smiling he is a funny guy i always liked him and he didn't mean anything bad by saying this and i also don't think it has a bad meaning, i'll explain it why.
this "regstar" phrase always bring some thoughts.
I can hardly get offended so it's not about that but it's better to have a clear picture about the difference in regular and ranked pvp and the skill needed for each.
Ranked is a faster paced game mostly with ppl with higher overall skill level, especially dexterity, quickness and class knowledge wise. It's more about quick well placed abilities (in time), knowing the classes pretty well and quick thinking and quick reaction to situations.
You are more dependent on your team and the composition of the teams than in regs. Quite a big luck factor, not ideal for solo play. Also 1 top player cant make a huge difference simply because 80% of the time only top players play ranked and the skill gap is small between them. It's also kinda short and doesn't have the star wars feeling of a real combat\war because of the round based system and small map and few players.
Before season 1 started there were 8v8 rankeds that were more fun but it had its problems too. Players used to make groups with 2 healers 5 powertechs 1 stealther (for guarding duty) because pts were the ultimate killing machines. back in the day i got in matches as a sniper next to 4 pts and sometimes i got in a team as a healing sorcerer. i think it was still better than the 4v4 burst monkey focus fest\dot spreading aoe shit like today's ranked. The game and the classes were also more complicated, but that's another story...
so generally 4v4 ranked is more like fast paced action game where you need dexterity, quick reactions, and deep class knowledge, and luck for a good team composition and good players. it's not a forgiving environment because of the higher skilled players. I love rankeds though but balance and the bad team compositions can be frustrating. I would love to see a more fun and more competitive 2v2 and 3v3 where one player can have more impact on the outcome or the old badass 8v8 with objectives.
Reg wzs are like a real combat scenario on a big map and more players. there are not that tough focus and there is a proper objective not just killing. this one's a bit slower paced environment. Situational awareness and tactics are more important than quickness and dexterity. it's another kind of skill set. Here the team composition doesn't matter that much but still important and even if you have a bad team you can have fun alone. It's more tactical gameplay and I love this because you can choose your fights, you can have the SW feeling, You can have m,ore "smart play". My favorite thing is that I can play 80% of the games without dying if I'm in good form and not tired af. I think its a true art performing well and got out of the wz with 0 death and this is my biggest fun factor in the game. I've uploaded almost 100 reg wz videos to the channel with 0 deaths. i love surviving in any PvP game in the world, thats my playstyle as you can see in my motto!
In my opinion both of them are important, regs and rankeds too and both of the skillset is equally important to be a generally a good player. The quick gameplay, dexterity, quick thinking and reactions under pressure of ranked games and the more tactical and situational awareness oriented smart play of reg wzs. I love surviving and I love tactical games in regular wzs. I think more awesome things can happen in reg wzs, because of more players, bigger maps, objectives, bigger skill gap between players, more unique and exciting situations can happen.
But I love the close games in ranked matches with a ton of adrenalin and high pressure with a fair team composition.
I respect regular and ranked players too. I think it's important to practice in both and need a totally different mindset in both. i ve seen many ranked players with zero tactical knowledge, pretty bad situational awareness and zero smart play just going forward brainlessly and try to kill shit. and the other way exists too who can play good on regs, got good tactics and some cool smart play and escapes but under pressure when get focused break pretty fast and can't perform well in rankeds.
Many of the ranked players are very snobbish and don't respect reg wz players and many reg wz players hate ranked players and don't respect them at all.
I would say both can be hard to perform on a high level and both types of players should respect each other. None of them are superior to one other. They just use different skillset, i think true PvPers should do both like i do :P hahhahaa
I ll share more ranked content if ppl are interested, but i think regs are more fun to watch and easier to get a pop since i usually play before 8 pm.
Let me know in the comments what content you prefer Ranked or Regs?
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