Securing virtual machine instances in Google Cloud by not enabling serial ports due to lack of IP access-based restrictions.
Serial ports in Google Cloud Compute Engine do not support IP access-based restrictions 🛡️
Enabling serial ports opens up a Telnet connection that cannot be restricted from public access 🔒
Anyone with access to the serial port’s IP address can connect to it 🌐
It is recommended not to use serial ports in Google Cloud due to inability to control access 🚫
Reach out for assistance in securing virtual machines within Google Cloud 📞
*Key Insights*
Lack of IP access-based restrictions on serial ports in Google Cloud poses a security risk 🚨
Enabling serial ports can lead to unauthorized access through Telnet connections 🛑
Inability to control access to serial ports makes them unsuitable for secure environments 🔓
Properly securing virtual machines in Google Cloud requires avoiding the use of serial ports 🚷
Seek expert assistance for guidance on securing virtual machines within Google Cloud ☎️
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