This episode of Arthur Godfrey Time on the CBS Radio Network aired on Wednesday, December 1, 1971 and featured special guests Victor Borge and Ethel Ennis. The fascinating banter between Godfrey and Borge was at times serious (racial injustice, the evolution of man) and other times hilarious, as when Godfrey cajoles Borge into playing the studio piano. Borge also reads a few humorous passages from his book "My Favorite Intermissions."
This show features musical selections from Godfrey, Borge, Ennis, and The Godfrey Men with Jerry Alters.
Arthur Godfrey Time ran on CBS Radio daily (Monday-Friday) from 1945-1972. This recording was made from a broadcast on WFAU radio in Augusta, ME.
[WFAU Radio Archives]
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