Nissan Magnite finally been launched in India with prices starting at Rs 5.99 lakh (introductory ex-showroom for the first 10,000 buyers). It is available in six variants and with two engine options both of which get two-pedal and three-pedal transmission options. On the outside, the updated Magnite for 2024 gets a new face and chrome inserts as part of the upgrades. The design for the alloy wheels is new while at the back the overall shape of tail lamps has been retained but their elements have been altered to give the car a new look. Inside, the cabin remains mostly unchanged in terms of elements and layout but Nissan has added a new steering wheel and colour schemes for the touch surfaces and the upholstery. The fully-loaded Magnite has features like a 360-degree camera, wireless phone mirroring, height adjustment for the driver’s seat, powered mirrors, HEPA air filter, LED headlamps and LED DRLs. Depending on the variant, you can have the Magnite with either a 1.0-litre NA petrol or a 1.0-litre turbo petrol. The former produces 71bhp and 96Nm and can be had with either a five-speed MT or a five-speed AMT. The latter produces 99bhp/160Nm and this engine is available with either a six-speed MT or a CVT. Rivals for the Nissan Magnite include the Maruti Brezza, Toyota Taisor, Hyundai Venue, Kia Sonet, Maruti Fronx and the Mahindra XUV3XO. The updated Magnite for 2024 is the first of Nissan’s four product strategies for India. It will be followed by a two-row C-SUV, a three-row C-SUV, and an electric vehicle. The former will be derivatives of the latest-generation Renault Duster and the upcoming Dacia Bigster while the latter is expected to be an electric version of the Magnite.
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