A quick look at some soft sediment deformation structures within the Wilton formation of the Sydney basin. These structures are well represented in many areas between Thirroul and Wombarra and suggest periods of earthquakes due to close volcanic activity during the late Permian Period. The structures are formed as a result of the movement of unconsolidated / semi-consolidated sediment material due to loading or disturbance.
Geology of Sydney and the Illawarra region NSW, Australia.
Sediment Deformation Structures - Sydney Basin
Coledale (Australian Suburb)Soft-sediment Deformation Structuressedimentsediment deformationSydney basinPermian PeriodThirroulWombarraWilton formationsedimentary structuresgeologystratigraphyunconsolidatedsemi-consolidatedSedimentary Rock (Rock Type)sediment materialloadingGeology of sydneygeology of wollongonggeology of Illawarrasydney geologyillawarra geology