Nina in Domen sta par že 3 leta. Nina je na vozičku, saj ima diagnosticirano spastično cerebralno paralizo, ki krči njene mišice, Domen pa je pred 18 leti preživel hudo prometno nesrečo. Oba imata za seboj močno izkušnjo preživetja; ovir ki jih lahko prinese fizična poškodba ter drugačnosti, ki jo kot tako sprejema (in hkrati določa) družba. Etnografski film z veliko mero intimnosti gledalca popelje skozi njun odnos, s poudarkom na njunih prvih skupnih počitnicah na morju. Prvič sama, prvič kot par in prvič kot »vsi ostali«.
- Etnografski film Odnesel te bom na morje (2012) je bil izdelan pri predmetu Vizualna antropologija (dodiplomski študij) in predstavljen marca 2013 na festivalu Dnevi etnografskega filma v Ljubljani in aprila 2013 na internacionalnem filmskem festivalu Asterfest v Strumici (Makedonija), kjer je osvojil drugo mesto z nagrado srebrna podkev.
Predstavljen je bil večkrat, in sicer: na Oddelku za Etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo (Ljubljana), na Filozofski fakulteti (Ljubljana), na sedežu slovenske fundacije za Unicef (Ljubljana), v Infoshop Metelkova mesto (Ljubljana), Sokolski dom (Ilirska Bistrica), Srednja šola (Črnomelj), Visoka šola za zdravstvo (Ljubljana), v Centru za kulturo Bitola (Makedonija).
Film je tudi del stalne razstave Jaz, mi in drugi: Podobe mojega sveta v Slovenskem etnografskem muzeju (Ljubljana).
Nina and Domen are a couple for three years. Nina is on a wheel chair, because she has cerebral palsy, which spasms her muscles. Domen survived severe traffic accident 18 years ago, which in a way also marked him for life. Both of them have a strong experience of survival and obstacles that are brought by physical injuries. They also know how it is to be different in the eyes of others who at the same time determine who or what is different. Ethnographic ilm with a big extent of intimacy takes the viewer through their relationship, with an emphasis on their first vacation at the sea side – first time alone, first time as a couple and first time as „everybody else“.
- Ethnographical film I will carry you to the sea side (2012) was made for the subject Visual anthropology (graduate study) and presented in march 2013 at the festival Days of Ethnographic film in Ljubljana and in April 2013 at the international film festival Aster fest in Strumica (Macedonia), where it won second place with a silver horse shoe prize.
It was presented several times: at the department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology (Ljubljana), Faculty of Arts (Ljubljana), on the headquarter of foundation UNICEF (Ljubljana), Infoshop Metelkova city (Ljubljana), Sokolski dom (Ilirska Bistrica), High school (Črnomelj), Faculty of Health Sciences (Ljubljana), Debatno kino Kontra Kadar Bitola (Macedonia).
It is also a part of permanent exhibition I, we and others: Images of my world in Slovene Ethnographic museum (Ljubljana).
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