The sophisticated adult comedy Fading Gigolo tells the story of a New York City book store owner (Woody Allen) who manages to convince his friend (John Turturro) that there is a fortune to be made by becoming a professional gigolo. Hilarity ensues as the two friends struggle in their new careers.
A whip-smart comedy written, directed by and starring John Turturro (O Brother, Where Art Thou?) and an all-star ensemble cast including Vanessa Paradis, Woody Allen, Liev Schreiber, Sharon Stone and Sofia Vergara.
Fading Gigolo (2014) Official Trailer
Woody AllenWoody Allen (Author)Fading GigoloJohn TuturroMovie TrailerFilm TrailerVanessa ParadisLiev SchreiberSharon StoneSofia VergaraSofía Vergara (TV Actor)Modern Family (TV Program)Fading Gigolo (Film)O Brother Where Art Thou? (Film)filmmovieFading Gigolo (Trailer)Trailer (Website Category)Film (Film)