A quick animation of the life cycle of a picornavirus that includes an overview of its structure, infection of a cell, production of its eleven proteins, replication, and assembly of its protein capsid. This is NOT an authority on the virus' structure but is intended to give a sense of the complex mechanics of the process with the true relative sizes of the atoms, protein components, ,and RNA strand. The relative dimensions are pretty accurate. It pulls together graphics that are not entirely consistent. It adapts molecular animations created by Drew Berry and others.
Picornavirus Life Cycle in Brief
picornavirusvirusproteincapsidRNAtRNAribosometranslationgenomereplicationdesignassemblyspheremRNADNAVirology (Field Of Study)Molecular Biology (Field Of Study)manufacturecellcellularpoliocommon coldmeningitispicornaviridaehepatitisrhinovirusicosahedralprotomerspolypeptidesVP1positive sense RNAgenestranscriptionIntelligent Design (Field Of Study)molecularMolecular Genetics (Field Of Study)reproductionduplicationgrowthoverview