141 Mechanoceptors under your foot and a very accurate vestibular system work together with your central nervous system and your musculoskeletal apparatus to allow you to survive in a hostile environment.
Do you really think that a toe spreader and a pair of minimalist shoes are going to do all the work that you need to become the Paleolithic hunter and gatherer that you are genetically designed to be?
Traditional foot training is useless after a few weeks of positive results. What you need to continue progressing is to add multidirectional work on different areas of support to challenge the whole system at once!
Stop doing things that you already can do and start getting better at those aspects of movement that will take you to the next level in your sports performance.
What does foot training have to do with sports performance? You might be asking.
Well, the more sensitive, the more power transfer from hips to floor/board.
When you can feel the exact position of your center of mass you can have you maximum power output look smooth like silk because guess what? The foot is the connection between your body and the surface you want to interact with.
Stop lying to yourself and put some serious work in! Message us now and start your journey towards the real injury-free high-performance movement.
Don’t settle when it comes to your health! Choose the ORIGINAL,
The revolution starts from the foot