Onspot is a very simple concept which can be activated during shorter periods in a preventive manner. When the road becomes icy and slippery, all the driver needs to do is press a button in his cab, and Onspot is activated. Onspot can be used when starting the engine, when braking and when going up and downhill.
• Activation is possible at speeds of up to 50 km/h.
• Minimises hazards for drivers, passengers and pedestrians in traffic
• Protects transportation of goods and facilitates reliability of delivery
• Protects the reputation of public bodies, logistics companies,
passenger carrier companies and goods hauliers
Onspot requires very little service and maintenance. Basically it is sufficient to activate once a month to keep the self-lubricating bearings in good order. Read more about how to get most of your Onspot on Driver´s check list [ Ссылка ]
Onspot - Automatic Traction Control System (ATC)
ENGLISHONSPOTAutomatic snow chainAutomatic tractionAutoatiska snökedjorLa chaine neige automatiqueAutomatisch SnekaedeAutomatische SchneeketteAutomatic tyre chainAutomaattinen LiukuesteAutomatkjettingenAutomatisk slirskyddSnökedjorsnow chainChaines onspot chainsrotated snow chainautomaticchainsvideowintercontrolicesnowcoldvinterlagWinter lawGodkända snökedjorapproved snowchainStorm