Manish Kashyap, a popular YouTuber from Bihar, joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Thursday, creating a buzz ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha polls. But do you know there is a connection between Kashyap and Tamil Nadu? And it is a rather unpleasant connection. Kashyap had previously decided to contest independently from Bihar's Paschim Champaran seat. Kashyap joined the BJP at the party headquarters in Delhi in the presence of BJP MP Manoj Tiwari. Now, having joined the BJP while out on bail, Kashyap's declarations to continue his fight against those who "defame Sanatana" reveal his alignment with BJP, and its opposition to the Dravidian ideology endorsed by Tamil Nadu's ruling DMK. His rhetoric targets the remarks made by Udhayanidhi Stalin on Sanatana Dharma, which has been a flashpoint for controversy and communal tension.
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