Shehnaaz Gill and Nawazuddin Siddiqui's latest song Yaar Ka Sataya Hua Hai, is reigning on chartbusters list currently. While Shehnaaz and Nawaz bonded while shooting for the actress' chat show, this is the first time they are seen together on screen. When Nayandeep Rakshit of Bollywood Bubble cornered the duo for a quick chat, it ended up being a real Dil waali baat on matters of the heart. From their definition of love and romance to their first relationship and heartbreaks, both of them get candid about life in general. What comes out is an honest chat about their perspective towards life and love, being honest in relationships and how they have lost many friendships because of the same honesty. Watch this chat right here.
#ShehnaazGill #NawazuddinSiddiqui #BollywoodBubble
Check out the video to know more.
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