Automatic Identification System (AIS) is an automated tracking system that displays other vessels in the vicinity. It is a broadcast transponder system which operates in the VHF mobile maritime band.
It is fitted on ships for identification of ships and navigational marks. However, it is only an aid to navigation and should not be used for collision avoidance.
AIS operates principally on two dedicated frequencies or VHF channels:
AIS 1: Works on 161.975 MHz- Channel 87B (Simplex, for ship to ship)
AIS 2: 162.025 MHz- Channel 88B (Duplex for ship to shore)
1. Static Information (Every 6 minutes and on request):
MMSI number
IMO number
Name and Call Sign
Length and Beam
Type of ship
Location of position fixing antenna
2. Dynamic Information (Depends on speed and course alteration)
Ship’s position with accuracy indication
Position time stamp (in UTC)
Course Over Ground (COG)
3. Voyage Related Information (Every 6 minutes, when data is amended, or on request)
Ship’s draught
Type of cargo
Destination and ETA
Route plan (Waypoints)
4. Short safety related messages
Free format text message addressed to one or many destinations or to all stations in the area. This content could be such as buoy missing, ice berg sighting etc
PKO( Practical Knowledge Onboard)
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