During the Civil War, the U.S. Congress approved a conscription act, marking the first instance of compulsory military service for American citizens during wartime. This act mandated the registration of all males aged 20 to 45, including aliens intending to become citizens, by April 1st. Individuals could avoid the draft by either paying $300 or finding a substitute draftee. This provision sparked violent draft riots in New York City, as protestors decried the preferential treatment given to the wealthiest citizens.
Although the Civil War introduced the first mandatory conscription for U.S. citizens, a previous act dating back to 1792 required all able-bodied male citizens to purchase a gun and join their local state militia, albeit without penalty for noncompliance. Additionally, Congress passed a conscription act during the War of 1812, though it was never implemented due to the war's conclusion. The Confederate States of America also enforced compulsory military service during the Civil War. Subsequent military drafts were enacted by the U.S. during World War I in 1940 to prepare for involvement in World War II, and during the Korean War. The last instance of the U.S. military draft took place during the Vietnam War.
#CivilWar, #ConscriptionAct, #Draft, #NewYorkCityRiots, #1792Act, #ConfederateStates, #WorldWarI, #WorldWarII, #KoreanWar, #VietnamWar
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