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Setting message send and receive restrictions on Groups within Exchange 2013
1. Prepare
- DC11 : Domain Controller( | DC12 : Exchange Server | WIN101,WIN102,WIN103 : Clients
2. Step by step : Setting message send and receive restrictions on Groups
- DC12 : Setting message send and receive restrictions for GoupIT (Group of IT)
+ Start - Exchange Administrative Center - logon - recipients - groups tab
- Double-click GoupIT - delivery management - " + " - GroupIT + HiepHR
- WIN103 : Logon with account HiepHR - Send email to GoupIT - OK
- WIN101 : Logon with account HiepIT(member of GroupIT) - Check email - Ok
- WIN102 : Logon with account VietHR - Send email to GIT - Can not delivered
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